The Soundtrack of My Life

the music that keeps me going…

I told you I was trouble…

on May 12, 2010

you know that I’m no good…

I freakin’ love this crazy lady.

so this afternoon I was in a pretty funky mood. well not funky but “eh”. I’m working on projects I don’t feel like working on and I’m just trying to make it to 5pm. around 3:20ish this song comes on…how can you deny this song?!

how can you deny Amy?! I mentioned her in my I Miss You post last year because I do miss her. I hope she’s not like Lauryn Hill. Get a hit album out of her, then ghost. I sincerely hope not! But clearly this girl has demons she’s battling. Well I technically have TWO great albums out of her, that I promise can appease that stankiest stank of moods…just mellow, just great musically and lyrically–well lyrically Back to Black can be a bit depressing but I like to just close my eyes, exhale and have a “woo chile, I know thats right” moment with my imaginary homegirl Amy.

here are a few of my favorites by Miss Winehouse, with some standout lyrics to me–you know its alllll about the lyrics over here.

Stronger Than Me: “I’m not gonna meet your mother, any time. I just wanna grip your body… over mine” #POW. I had never seen this video before now.

Back to Black: “Me and my head high, and my tears dry, get on without my guy” this song is every.single.thing. woo chile! “you go back to her, and I go…back to…black” #onrepeat

F Me Pumps:  “He could be your whole life, If you got past one night, But that part never goes right.” funny song. should be the Basketball Wives theme music…“Without girls like you, there’s no nightlife, all those men just go home to their wives…”

Me & Mr. Jones: “what kind of fuckery is this…” BEST.SONG.INTRO. I quote this often, lol.

In My Bed: “the only time I hold your hand, is to get the angle right” LOL. this should be the sexually liberal woman anthem. I didn’t know there was a video for this song either. you can find anything on youtube.

Love is a losing game: “while I wish we’d never played. oh what a mess we made” this song just ’bout made me cry. dont laugh I’m hormonal. Good thing this is so short, because I was almost there. this version on the link sends me. *whew*

There is No Greater Love: “there is no greater thrill, than what you bring to me. no sweeter song, than what you sing to me…” I had to redeem myself with this one after LIALG–get my mind back right!  🙂 she sangs on this one too…

Amy has such a jazzy, soulful voice. Its one of my favorites. I hope she makes more music.

peep the live version of my fave from above:

12 responses to “I told you I was trouble…

  1. Nick_L_Odeon says:

    HEY!! i like the words you outlined.. and pretty much left her alone after all that rehab business.. BUT just based on the words, i’m gonna scope it out.. i’ll come back and let you know what i think.. thanks for lookin out, ma!!

  2. Crooky says:

    I’m back!!!

    I first heard “F Me Pumps” and instantly fell in love with Amy and her style. I hate that she’s such a tormented soul, but I’m really hoping that she gets back on track….because both of her CDs were TIGHT to death!!

    Think I’m gonna play some of her stuff in a few.

  3. When I saw the title I knew it was a post about Amy Winehouse. I love her crazy cracked out ass, I just wish she’d sober up enough so she can put out a new album for me. Great song choices but you missed “He Can Only Hold Her”…that was my joint, along with some of the other ones you named…”Me & Mr. Jones” and “Be Alone” being some of the others.

  4. Ms.Minx says:

    Girrrll…I LOVE me some Wino, or as I also affectionately call her, Crackhouse :p! “Back to Black” is the bomb, and I also liked a lot of the songs on “Frank”.
    Apart from the ones you named, her versions of “Will you love me tomorrow”, which was on a movie sdtrk, and “Moody’s Mood for Love” are fantastic

    So…yeah, she needs to hurr’ up & get back in the studio!

  5. I miss me some Amy Winehouse. I loved her voice. F Me pumps was my jam. I wish she would make a comeback but I have feeling that if it does happen, it won’t be the same Amy. All those drugs will kill a good voice. I think we just need to cherish this album and love it for what it is..

  6. Tracie says:

    I Love, Love, Love Amy Winehouse…I feel you on that woo chile for “Back to Black”. “What kind of fuckery is this” lol–but I know how you feel Amy. I also love “You sent me flying”… “a simple attraction that reflects back to me, so I’m not as into you as I appear to be” love it one of the best written songs I have ever heard, with just piano chords and a drum beat…You got me today Reecie I’m listening to her right now.

    Wow on the “in my bed” video with a healthy looking Amy.

  7. K. Rock says:

    I luvv the Frank album. It is the better of the 2 in my opinion. I love the whole cd especially In my Bed and You send me flying. Back to black was cool too but the whole cd kind of stuck to that 50’s retro thing and it got kind of old.

  8. Cryssy says:

    so i was never really an amy fan — i had never heard frank! when i did that changed… but that is still the only one i like!

    i heard love is blind is my favorite —

    “you are every thing, he means nothing to me, i can’t even remember his name, why you so upset, baby you weren’t there, and i was thinking of you when i came”

    this line…this broad!

    “don’t over react, i pretended he was you”

  9. Amy is my second favorite crack head.”Back to Black” was a dope cd.I thought “Love is a Losing Game” should have been the theme to Casino Royale. (Can’t remember which came out first.)I also loved when she added words to “Mr. Magic” on the “Frank” cd.

  10. I’m late here, but my favorite Amy Winehouse song is “My Tears Dry on Their Own.” It was bound to win me over with the Marvin Gaye sample anyway, but the lyrics were so real.

    “I knew I hadn’t met my match
    But every moment we could snatch
    I don’t know why I got so attached
    It’s my responsibility
    And you don’t owe nothin’ to me…”

    SO real. Because we often get too attached to situations that we KNOW are temporary. And Amy’s like “Yeah it hurts. But this is my fault.”

    I always say this should be the side chick anthem.

  11. Chavon says:

    okay,so we totaly need to do a post together!!!! E-mail me!

  12. […] written before about how much I missed her and another post highlighting my favorites by her, and I like many was hoping she’d pull herself though and make more music. I hope […]

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